Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Just feel good!

A lot of us have problems with our confidence and that is rooted in our insecurities. We think we don't look half as good as X, or we're not half as smart as Y, or half as rich as Z, etc and these all affect us when we go outside and these all affect how we present ourselves to the outside world.

We like people to think we're better than we think we are.

And in fact, that is possible.

Start thinking you're better than you really are! It starts from something as simple as that. Let go of the chains holding you back from your potential.

Looks do matter, yes, but you can make yourself more appealing and more pleasant to the eyes. Being popular matters, but not all the time. There is such thing s negative popularity and you have to avoid that at all costs. Keep your name clean, and your shirt clean (but not to the point of being obnoxiously OCD, there are times when even you have to roll on the dirt and get dirty).

Feeling good starts with looking good.

Fix your hair, fix your skin, lose some weight if you have to. Feeling good starts when you look good. It gives you the sufficient confidence to go through that crowd of people you feel is staring at your shirt.

It doesn't matter if you're wearing a Beatles shirt, if you feel good in it, it'll show. Put that smile on your face. If you don't smile, that's okay too. Smiling is not a requirement just don't give people the impression that they can look down on you.

Having a low self-esteem is a vicious cycle that all starts with your perception of how the world perceives you.

Oh, they will never think I'm pretty. My hair is too short. My nose is too wide.

Sounds familiar?

Who cares?! No one cares, definitely not the ones important in your life! Why listen to the voice of the imagined multitude in your head.

Wear the shirt you like. The courage you got in you to wear that, is the same thing that's going to give you the confidence you need.

You need confidence to be happy.

You need to know when to give a fuck and when to not give a fuck.

You decide who gets to rule your life.

The crowd or you.

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